Open Source How to's

Posts filed under Open Source How to's

Install and setup Rocket.Chat, Talk to colleagues and Customers - Cover Image
Open Source How to's
Install and setup Rocket.Chat, Talk to colleagues and Customers

MERN based application enabling real-time conversations between colleagues, with other companies or with your customers, regardless of how they connect with you.

Open Source map server - Cover Image
Open Source How to's
Open Source map server

Run your own google maps like map server. integrate in apps and websites. OpenStreetMap

Run centralised authentication server OpenLDAP ubuntu 20 - Cover Image
Open Source How to's
Run centralised authentication server OpenLDAP ubuntu 20

OpenLDAP is a free, open-source implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol developed by the OpenLDAP Project. It is released under its own BSD-style license called the OpenLDAP Public

Bulk Emailing couldn't have been more easier with OpenEMM - Cover Image
Open Source How to's
Bulk Emailing couldn't have been more easier with OpenEMM

Bulk emailing free Bulk emailing can be effective up to 20% if done right. Let me walk you through tools which will help you effectively execute email campaigns without any huge cost or technical know

Email Server and collaboration suite Ubuntu iRedMail - Cover Image
Open Source How to's
Email Server and collaboration suite Ubuntu iRedMail

Email Server free of cost, No strings attached. Save thousands every month. Zimbra mail server, iRedMail server

Email Server and collaboration suite Ubuntu Zimbra - Cover Image
Open Source How to's
Email Server and collaboration suite Ubuntu Zimbra

Email Server free of cost, No strings attached. Save thousands every month. Zimbra mail server, iRedMail server